Friday, July 26, 2013

Body Types

Yes we all come in different shapes and sizes and why not? God made each of us different anyway. It would be boring if we all looked the same and believe me we don't serve a boring God. Remember sons and daughters, don't get caught up in outward appearances ( 1 Samuel 16:7NIV). We are fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalm 139:14NIV)!

This post was inspired by a drawing from Isaiah Stephens.

Click the link below to see the drawing.
Beautiful Body Types

Shout out to Isaiah Stephens for embracing diversity in his work.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cornerstone - Cornerstone - Hillsong Live 2012 - (HD) (With Lyrics)

We get caught up in so many things. Many times we need to just stop and focus on the Cornerstone so we don't get swept away.

One of the Funniest Lines Ever

Hawk Nelson: Words [Official Lyric Video]

Woo!.....(clears throat)..WOOOOOOOO!
Let's be honest, words hurt so let's speak positive. Let's think. Let's just be positive because negativity is just unproductive, draining, harmful to self and others, did I say unproductive?

He is With Us [Lyrics] - Love & The Outcome

This song really encouraged me today along with Proverbs 3:5-6. The enemy sure likes to keep you distracted and discouraged but hey, we have to be persuaded beyond doubt that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers,
nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Woman Attacks Lester Chambers Over Trayvon Martin Tribute

I can't even begin to comprehend this, I pray she gets some help. The verdict hadn't even been read at the time and although Mr. Chambers  had nothing to do with the case she blamed him for it. Then she assaulted him. It took 7 men to get her off of him. Despite him being in the hospital for 5 hours and not being able to walk for one, she was not booked. She only received a misdemeanor. Things seriously need to change.

To see what happened click the video link below.