Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Courageous Lady Saturday Experience

It's almost here, it's almost here, hear me now, it's almost here. I'm excited about the launching of Courageous Lady founded by one of the most courageous women I've ever meet Christine Thomas. The first event, the Courageous Lady Saturday Experience isn't one to be missed. There will be an afternoon tea and meal, a meet and greet, then an evening explosion. All events are free and open to the public. More information about the Saturday Experience and Courageous Lady currently can be found on it's gofundeme page. The Courageous Lady website will launch June 1, 2015. Courageous Lady itself was created to build a network of women from diverse cultures and backgrounds and to help women move into being confident, creative, committed and celebrated, change agents. It will become a community that helps women leave fear behind and experience a life of purpose and passion without shame or fear of what others will think. Something that all women need in there lives. It takes courage to be yourself and it's often not easy. We've become so accustomed to fitting in that we often forgot we were born to stand out and be different. So far @CourageousLadyChristine has personally sown over $8,000 into this event.
But hey we need some help. We're raising $3,000 to defray some of the cost. Any donation would be appreciated. You can find more information on what we're trying to achieve and make a donation by clicked this link -> Support the Courageous Lady Saturday Experience Check out, spread the word, and if not anything else "Be Bold. Be Strong. Be Courageous. Be You!"

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