Monday, February 3, 2014

Starting Out on the Right Foot

Ok, so it's Black History Month 2014. Let's start it out on the right foot. I was introduced to this great article today about Dr. Carter G. Woodson and Chicago history. First, I think it's sad that I'm 27 years old and not one time some has bothered to tell me about this man. However, I'm not going to tell you about him. Read the article, Google him, go to the library, do so research for yourself because now that I know who he is, that's exactly what I'm doing. We need to do that more. Everyone, not just African Americans. There seems to be this notion about and among African Americans that everything we have was given to us out of pity along with a very long string of other negative stereotypes. We really need to step out more a learn about our history. When you know better, you do better. Below is the article I was referring to and don't be afraid to poke around the rest of the site too.