Thursday, January 14, 2016

Wigtime: It's ok, seriously

You know, it's ok if you don't like my hair. Really, I won't be mad or anything. I like my wigs and I like you too, so don't make it awkward, ok? ‪#‎me‬ ‪#‎green‬‪#‎wigtime‬ ‪#‎loveyou‬

This was an Instagram post I made a few moths ago. I guess I finally wore a wig that people really didn't like and boy was it awkward. I went about my day business as usual which includes me complimenting people when I see something I like. Apparently the neonness of my hair made many forget that I don't give compliments to get them in return. I just feel like as people (especially women towards other women #girllove) should be more willing to genuinely compliment one another. 

At the same time it's alright to not like someone's fashion choices, just be kind about it. Take a chance to be willing to accept people for who they are AND don't compromise how you feel. I'd rather you loving tell me you don't like one of my wigs than lie and say you like it. As a fellow art student told me "It doesn't look like your hair the way the blue one does,"  and I agree.  

Now this particular wig, I like it but it is too costumey for everyday wear. In fact I don't even like how it looks without a hat on. Nevertheless I did have fun with it. I'll probably put it in my costume box. Yes, I have a whole big box now.  \(*-*)

Playing Catch Up

It's a new year and my Art blog is way behind. I originally created it to track my growth as an art major in college but it really hasn't gone that way. I'm several semesters behind and that was a pretty narrow goal in the first place. So now I'm going back and making those long overdo posts. Conversely I will be adding what we like to call Art Event Experiences. As part of our graduation requirements we have to attend 32 art events and fill out an art event form. Yeah... I've been to well past that number but barely turned in any forms. This year I'm going to correct that and take them a step further to adding the experiences to my blog. I'm going to turn it into my life and learning experiences as and artist. Ya know, be more well rounded. (I realize how terrible the grammer is in that sentence and I'm ok with it.) 

On a different note, for this blog I'm going to be more consistent with updates. I might even start using my YouTube channel for more than just fangirling over Superwoman, nerding out over Comics Explained, and getting my giggles from Ashley Thomas